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Former aristocratic estate in Dabroszyn (Tamsel), 2018, Foto: Kienzle (Silvergelatine Print, 38 x 48cm)

Tamsel is a rich, beautifully situated village, about
an hour's drive east of the old fortress of Küstrin.
Forest hills, the winding lines of which presumably
the old bed of the Warta, enclose the village
the village from the north, while to the south
the landscape is open to the south and the arms of the river
the river arms wind their way through the quarry land.
The people of Küstrin are very fond of Tamsel,
and as often as they mention his name, a smile
smile over their faces, not unlike the quiet cheerfulness
with which Berliners pronounce the name "Charlottenburg".
pronounce the name "Charlottenburg". Here, as there, there is no
pride about historical memories in this smile;
It is rather the expression of a suddenly revitalised
revitalised pleasure, a friendly reminiscence
of park and palace, of water parties
and fireworks, of a long series of cheerful landscapes,
which, at the mere mention of the name
quietly pass before the inner eye. [...]
The terrain on which Tamsel lies has much in common
with the beautiful Oderbruch parcels of land between
Falkenberg and Freienwalde. In the back a mountain wall,
more or less steep, broken here and there by a ravine
here and there and everywhere covered with deciduous and coniferous wood
at the foot of this mountain face a village
and at the foot of the village a meadow bottom, often flooded
and always crossed by arms of the river. So
is the Freienwald terrain; so is the landscape around Tamsel.
around Tamsel.

Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg. Zweiter
Theil: Das Oderland. Barnim. Lebus, Berlin:
Wilhelm Hertz 1863, Kapitel „Tamsel“, S. 15


Brandenburger Notizen: Fontane - Krüger - Kienzle

The exhibition and publication is a project within the theme year
fontane.200/Spuren – Kulturland Brandenburg 2019

Publication: Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg

© Lorenz Kienzle
© for the photographs of Heinz Krüger: Museum und Galerie Falkensee


28th April 4th June 2023
at the Stadtpfarrkirche St. Marien Müncheberg
Ernst-Thälmann-Str 52
15374 Müncheberg

7th May - 14th August 2022
at the Wegemuseum Wusterhausen/Dosse
Am Markt 3
16868 Wusterhausen/Dosse
Telefon 033979 877-60

19th Oktober - 19th November 2019
Opening October 19th at 3 p.m. at the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Foyer des SUB Hauptgebäudes, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1, 37073 Göttingen

2nd August - 14th October 2019
Remise am Schloss Rheinsberg
Schloss Rheinsberg 2, 16831 Rheinsberg

15.March - 30.June 2019
Museum und Galerie Falkensee


Cornelia Felsch, Märkische Allgemeinen Zeitung, 4.8.19, Fotograf begibt sich auf Fontanes Spuren

Bernadette Conrad: "'Ganz selbständig im Leben, Anschauung und Denkungsart'. Zum 200. Geburtstag von Theodor Fontane begeben sich etliche neue Bücher auf seine Spuren Literaturblatt für Baden-Württemberg, Juli/August 2019

Maurice Wojach, Märkische Allgemeinen Zeitung, 25.6.19, Die Faszination des Fotografen Lorenz Kienzle für Brandenburg

Marlies Schnaibel in the Märkischen Zeitung, 25.6.19 Fontane löst Bücherflut aus

Radio feature, 19.3.19, Märkische Wandlungen, RBB Kulturradio
Starting at 37:30 min.

Film about the project from Omar Akahare, 28.3.19
Meine Theodor Fontane Geschichte

About the project

The photo exhibition combines Theodor Fontane’s texts and sketches with black and white photographs by the two photographers Heinz Krüger and Lorenz Kienzle.

Heinz Krüger traveled between 1963 and 1970 through the March of Brandenburg and photographed in the locations described by Fontane for a publication of Aufbau Verlag. From these recordings a whole new selection was made, which tells us about everyday life in the GDR 50 years later. Lorenz Kienzle took Fontanes notebooks in 2017 during his excursions through Brandenburg, which originated in 1860 and could be used for the first time in a transcribed and commented version for this project. They form the raw material for the texts on the walks through the March of Brandenburg. The notes are more straightforward and direct than the work that emerged from them. Equipped with a bike and a plate camera, Lorenz Kienzle also drove through Brandenburg to get his picture. His photographs of landscapes, places and animals usually speak for themselves and are combined in the exhibition with Theodor Fontane’s texts and the photographs by Heinz Krüger. This creates a web of relationships that tells of the transience, but also the timelessness of places that you can always rediscover.