Großer Stechlinsee, 2017, Foto: Kienzle (Silvergelatine Print, 38 x 48cm)
That's how the chat went. The sun was already slanting,
when it suddenly flashed between the trunks, and
immediately our eyes caught sight of a wide expanse of water
on which, shining and almost dazzling, the afternoon
afternoon⸗sun lay.
This is the "Stechlin", we were told. The next moment
I jumped out of the car; my companion followed.
We were standing on a kind of quay, the tall trunks of the
forest at our heads, a wide expanse of water deep below us.
below us. Over there, forest again, also to the left and right,
peninsulas stretching into the lake from everywhere.
Water, sky, silence. The whole thing had that peculiar
effect on our minds, as if we were facing a
as if we were face to face with a mute whom it urges to speak
but the unresolved tongue refuses the service.
We guess this and that from his features; in vain,
what he wants to say remains unsaid.
We sat down at the edge of the ledge and
and listened to the silence.
It remained as it was. Not a boat, not a bird, not even a
clouds. Just green and blue and sun.
Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg: Erster
Theil. Die Grafschaft Ruppin, dritte, vermehrte
Auflage, Berlin: Wilhelm Hertz 1875, Kapitel „Die
Menzer Forst und der Große Stechlin“, S. 277 f.